
Pat “Mighty” Quinn / On Air Personality

Best known as the Mighty Quinn. Pat has been a DJ for over 40 years. He graduated from Illinois Media School in 2018, where he completed his courses in Radio Broadcasting. Shortly after that, Pat was instrumental in starting up Buddy Guy Radio, with Mr. Buddy Guy. Pat is an On Air Host as well as a Show Producer. He is a fixture in the Blues and Blues/Rock scene and is well known with many Artists and Bands. His mission is in Keeping the Blues Alive for generations of fans to come!!! While a student at Illinois Media School, He also Hosted a Weekly Sports Radio Show called The Fans Corner on Windy City Underground Radio.

My show is called Cruisin’ on the Blues Highway with Mighty Quinn, the show airs on Thursday Nights at 6PM Central Time and runs till 8PM. Show Encore airs on Saturday afternoons at 4:00 PM and runs till 6:00 PM Central Time

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